Thursday, April 30, 2009

Not Quite a Three Ring Circus

We live close to many things, but in reality we are in the middle of nowhere. There isn't much that comes our way. Generally if we want to see a show of some sort we have to drive a couple of hours to get to it. But every year the Cole Brothers Circus comes to town. It is a small cirus that still performs under a big top. They even have elephants that put up the tent. Most of the performers are the same every year, but the acts are different and new and exciting! Since the kids are all of an age to enjoy the show we decided to take everyone. I am so glad we went! The kids all had such a good time. Even the baby enjoyed the show.
The one odd thing was that they picked my oldest girl to get up and do the YMCA. Sadly they had no idea they were picking a homeschooled kid. She had NO IDEA what they were doing. It was very amusing to watch. I'm sure that makes me a bad parent, but it really was entertaining to watch her look at the clowns and try to copy them. Luckily for her they did only one chorus and then she could return to the audience and quit being a performer. All in all it was so much fun.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Three is Three

So, my boy turned three. I can't believe it has been three years. He is getting so very big. He's even starting to talk. Finally. He's hit that stage where his favorite word is "No". Coming in a close second is "No! Me!".

Since we are doing the Feingold thing, the brightly colored cakes of the past are gone. No more food coloring in the frosting. So, instead I've been using cocoa powder for brown. He didn't seem to mind having cars on his cake instead of icing. I think it's funny that he actually gets the blowing out the candles thing.