Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Up until recently I had never looked at Facebook. Then Chris got himself a page. I still hadn't looked at it. Then my "friend" Dy says "Hey, why don't we let our oldest kids get Facebook pages? Then they can chat." Well, I thought this might be a good idea, but I wanted to check it out for myself first. So, now I have about nine friends on Facebook and have wasted an entire day and a half of my life that I will never get back. I should know better and stay away from this stuff! But, along those lines, how in the world do people get so many friends. People must be friends with people that they don't even know, or have never even talked to except for maybe one time twenty years ago in High School. Otherwise how does Mary Anne have over 400 friends. She's a nice person. But 400 friends! I can't remember that many Latin nouns, let alone that many people.
Then there's that whole picking a picture of yourself for your profile thing. I haven't had a decent picture taken of me in the last four years. I've been pregnant, or nursing for just about that long. How am I supposed to take a good picture? There are only four children here and they just can't block enough of me in any decent picture. So, when you do pick a picture it's a little tiny thumbnail until that person accepts you as a friend. I have a really bad memory, and people change. How am I supposed to tell who people are by a tiny little thumbnail? My eyesight just isn't that good. Now I've started to sound like a bitter old woman with too many cats. Thanks Dy!