Monday, August 25, 2008

The Bestest Way to Watch Mulan

Well, of course the best way to watch Mulan is naked on a bouncing zebra!
What other way could be any better?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why Did I Pay the Money?

We recently had one of our playdates at the Sprayground. The girls have asked to go once or twice this year. Since the schools are back in session we decided it would be fun to meet there. My first complaint is that I have to pay to go in and watch my kids frolic. OK, it's only $2 but I can put 800 gallons of water on my lawn for $2. Plus, it's not like I'm going to frolic in the overly chlorinated and recycled water in my burkah. There are laws about being that drunk in public, just ask Ron White. So anyway, you can tell from the picture how much the girls enjoyed it. They were "cold". Really. It's August. We don't live in Canada. Get in the water! But you can see Three in the background getting water dumped on him and having a grand time.

I wish I didn't have to wear a burkah. Maybe I would have gotten my money's worth and froliced with Three. He really knows how to have fun at the sprayground. I just love to watch him play!

Not The Sharpie!

You should never fall asleep on the family room floor. These girls are SOOO close to taking a Sharpie to him. They are sweet sisters, but they can only take so much of Three before they decide to retaliate. He gets in their stuff. He chases them. He hits them. Okay, he's our household menace. We should have named him Dennis. But, he's just so cute!

(Please ignore the stains on the builders grade carpet, I hate it and can't wait to rip it out! But, we still have to potty train Four so what's the point?) He was really just so very tired. He fell asleep with food in his hand. I wish I could do that. But, I'd have a brownie instead of a PB&J.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Why Today?

Three has decided he isn't going to talk. One didn't talk until she was three so it's not really a huge deal. In the spirit of being proactive, I called and made an appointment with Infants and Toddlers to get Three evaluated for speech therapy. We were supposed to go today, but I got a phone call this morning saying we would have to reschedule because the lady has to take her daughter to the doctor. Well, I have four kids. I had arranged to be there for that appointment. If you have kids , stay home. I don't like being inconvenienced because other people decide their kids really aren't worthy of being looked after by their parents.
So, in the midst of fuming about this Two pulls one of her stunts and says "why does something stink?". Now this child will be the best ever at backhanded compliments when she grows up. It will be fun to see when she doesn't live with me anymore. Right now though I would prefer a " Hey Mom, Three just pooped all over the floor!". Why does it stink could be a whole lot of things and I don't have the time or energy to ferret out the smell! Turns out there was lots of poop on the carpet (I HATE CARPET!!!) courtesy of Three.
Now that the poop is cleaned up and my day is freed up, I'm going to watch the Olympics and drink some coffee.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Long Division Makes Me Dirty

So, One has made it far enough in math to have reached long division. This might be exciting except for the fact that it has apparently made her forget all previous math skills. On the other hand, she has learned some fun new four letter words from me to make up for the loss of all those wonderful math facts! Now, one would think that division would be fairly easy if you know all of your math facts, and I suppose it would be. But, if you have forgotten all of what you have learned previously it will take somewhere in the range of three to ten hours to complete one math assignment. Which leaves me sitting right beside the forgetful nine year old for hours at a time. So, between math with One and nursing Four my shower time has vanished into thin air. I hope at some point to be able to shower at least every other day. But, until that day comes I'll make sure to be stocked up on deodorant!