Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh Dear!

It has happened. I thought that maybe it would, but it was sort of shocking for me.

I have become that flaky homeschooler.

You know the one. Always a little late for everything. Forgetful to the extreme. Seems to have at least one more child than she can competently care for. Her house is never "clean", there's always lots of clutter and random pieces of curriculum scattered about. And when you meet her, after several missed meetings, she looks like she just rolled out of bed and there is some sort of baby gunk on her somewhere. People look at her and wonder "she can't get herself together, how is she teaching those kids anything?" It has happened. That is me.
Now my biggest struggle is whether to embrace my "new" persona, or to work hard at changing it. Sadly, I'm probably so far over into flaky, that no matter what I do I'll be that other homeschooling mom. You know her too. Way to together. On top of everything. Never late. She bakes everything from scratch. Has an immaculate house. Keeps perfect records of her totally wonderful schooling. Her kids are stepford kids. I just don't have that much Zoloft. That will never be me. So, to celebrate I'm going to go watch a movie with the kids. In our clutter. And since it's after noon, I'm going to spike a drink of some sort, and ponder what to cook for dinner. After I clean up the kitchen. And defrost something. Or maybe we'll get takeout, and watch another movie, and I'll have another drink. It is Friday. Here's to Flaky!