Monday, November 10, 2008

The Dreaded Review

Today I had to go and have a meeting with a representative from the public schools. I had to prove that my kids are receiving regular and thorough instruction in the subjects generally taught to kids in the public schools. I passed. I'm so disappointed in myself. I'm not a sheep. I HATE that I feel like I can't challenge them. I want to yell and scream " I'm NOT responsible to YOU!" I don't take their money. I shouldn't have to prove my kids are being schooled. They should have to prove to me, a tax paying citizen, that they aren't wasting MY money, and that the kids they are responsible for are receiving a regular and thorough education. I want to get in their faces and refuse to provide them with even a speck of information about my family and our schooling. But I didn't. I was pleasant and engaging. I provided plenty of work samples and art projects. I didn't want to, but I did. It's a case of just not being worth the fight. If I refuse to play by their rules, they can make my life hell. They could arrest me, investigate me, and possibly remove my kids. I just can't see what I would gain. It makes me sad that I have to behave like a sheep and play nice. I've never played well with others and have always enjoyed being a rabble rouser. I guess this means I've grown up. I can see the bigger picture and know how awful it would be without my kids. On the bright side, since I'm a grownup I can have a drink right?